Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kolonia Glory Chronicles CONTINUED - Ben's Story

Today Jesse and I went out for coffee at this great local joint. As we were leaving I felt I had a word for the girl who served us, it was related to her spine or perhaps another one of the worker’s spines on her shift. After I asked her and had given the word I realized it was a spiritual alignment to the power and truth of how God sees her in Christ that actually was happening. Though nothing wa...s wrong with her physical spine, some of her views of her Father were out of alignment and I just brought this word of God seeing her as whole and healed, and that God had given her dreams to travel and to care for the ones society had overlooked and that she would find her fulfillment in this laying down of her life. She held back the tears in order to be professional. I asked her after if the word was good, haha, she said yes, it was very good. We said we’d see her around.
On our walk back home we walked past this guy who was just sitting outside, guarding some place. We walked past him but I felt to turn back and simply release the love and kingdom of Jesus over him and in him. I quickly saw a creative anointing on his life to work with his hands in the full blessing of the Father. I saw curses people had spoken over him, that he was not able to do things or pursue certain things he felt the desire to do. We broke those and began to share the abundant life of Jesus and simply expose the works and schemes of the evil one to lie, steal, and destroy. I asked as we laid hands on him, something I don’t usually ask, if he was ready to ask Jesus into his heart? I am not about making converts to report to facebook that 12 people got saved today and so on. I see each person as an individual, being the fullness of God’s desire and passion to bring them into right relationship with Himself. I see God created value and original destiny in Christ being restored in the most intimate and personal way imaginable, not numbers or something that makes my testimony more appealing to my support base, though I am thankful with all of my heart for every testimony given in the spirit of grace and truth.
Anyway, this man, Quincy, literally leaped at the opportunity to invite Jesus to find his true home inside of him, having all his sins washed and forgiven by the blood of a perfect sacrifice and substitute. We even got to lead him into asking for Holy Spirit to fill him as well! His eyes lit up as we found out what days we could stop by and just share the Word with him, not to shrink back from declaring anything that is edifying to him in his now, new creation identity and reality in Christ! Amen!
Jesus is the greatest Laborer in every harvest field of the earth. He impregnates us with the passions of His heart unto partnership with Him in the release and establishment of His kingdom on the earth, unto heaven releasing Him with every harvest world wide gathered and granted to Him as His rightful prize of a global Bride made perfect and ready to rule and reign with Him, unto the restoration of all things only instituted by the only one able to administer a perfect reign of justice and righteousness, Jesus, the God man Himself (Acts3)!
We love you Lord! You are our life and we will appear with you in Your glory!
Ben Cuyler

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